Down Time With Pom Poms

I spent most of the day getting started on spring cleaning with the help of the kidlets today.  We’ve got a beautiful front entryway!  Everything else is going to take time.  I have a 4 page checklist of things I want to get done.  And I didn’t even start listing things that need to be done in the basement where the kidlets have their play space.  Okay, my sewing mess is there, too.  Yep, it’s all going to take some time.  But we got a really good start on things today.  🙂

After the kidlets went to bed and there was some blessed quiet in the house, I sat down and worked on a few pom poms.  I decided a little while ago that I should just get over it and learn how to make these — I mean, how hard can it be?!?  I’ve seen several projects on Pinterest using pom poms and we even use craft pom poms at our house as math manipulatives and distraction for the toddler.  But I’ve never actually made one myself.

So I got out a bunch of different yarn scraps and went for it.  And they are EASY.  Really.  And fun if you’re looking for something fairly brainless to do for a few minutes to relax.

I’d read about using your fingers to do the winding part and that worked okay.  Then I got out a fork and used it to wind the yarn and that worked much better.  It’s a tighter, smaller pompom but it’s just so cute!  I also tried a couple of different yarns I had small bits leftover of.  I think my favourite is the Bernat Softee Baby — the pom poms made of that are so light and soft!  Like little clouds.

Here’s the little pile I’ve got so far.Yarn ends become cute little pom poms!

Maybe when I’ve got lots and lots of them I’ll make a garland (like this or this).  Or maybe I’ll make some flowers (like these or these).

About sdevisser

I'm just a home schooling mom who likes to create and who is trying to find my way through daily adventures with my family.
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